Saturday, February 21, 2009

New HBCT workers join us!

It's been another great week at Refilwe, as I've been working with the Home-based Care Team (HBCT). On Tuesday, we had eight new people join us. Two people are planning to leave at the end of February, but our numbers are still growing. One of the eight is a full-time driver, who will be transporting the teams to the communities and will allow us do more visitation. Also, three of the new members are actually Congolese nurses. They are not yet certified to practice as nurses in South Africa, but their knowledge and experience will be very valuable to the team. So, the week has been full of more changes and paperwork as we've rearranged our strategies for doing home visits. The group is now split up into teams and each team will go to a particular area all of the time. This will hopefully allow for more continuity and better relationship building as we go out. This video is the team singing a song as people gathered for a health education talk at a nearby community. I'm not certain of all the words, but it talks about the Lord Jehovah and how He is all powerful, nothing is more powerful. That's enough for me to want to join them!

Here are some more pictures of the team:

And just some other pics of the week:

1 comment:

Splash said...

Oh my but that video brought back memories for me of Kenya! Thanks for sharing. And it sounds like things are going great for you with the outreach team. That is a praise!